"Internet Resources - Empowering the Language Learner/Teacher"
William R. Eubank

Chinese for Teacher. Vietnamese for Teacher. Spanish for Teacher

Oct. 1995 "Internet Resources - Empowering the Language Learner/Teacher",
TEXTESOL V Fall Conference,
Plano, Texas

Textesol Conference Lecture Notes

Internet Resources - Empowering the Language Learner-Teacher

  • Bilingual/ESL teachers will learn about some the resources found on the Internet that relate to teaching in the Bilingual/ESL area and how to access them.
  • Bilingual/ESL teachers are language learners too. This session will empower those attending by providing them with some of the keys to the Internet in areas that relate to Bilingual/ESL education.
  • This presentation will answer questions about how the Internet can be used by teachers as a resource for their personal continued growth, development and enjoyment in the field of teaching ESL. It will include the distribution of information about how to access areas in the Internet using several different tools. Addresses will be provided for Usenet, Newsgroups, and Web sites world wide that are aimed at providing and exchanging information about ESL teaching.
  • Format includes lecture, suggestions on access, handouts on net/web addresses, reading lists, E-mail and snail mail contacts.

E.S.L. Conference Presentations

William R. Eubank Jr.

Teaching In China

E.S.L In Texas

Cozumel Report

Playa Report

Argentina Report

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MidAmerica Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages

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William R. Eubank
1632 Burcham Drive
East Lansing, Michigan 48823
United States of America
